Teaching Philosophies
Why are you interested in urban education?
Having attended urban schools from elementary school to high school in the Cleveland Public School System and teaching in Baltimore City Public Schools for 6 years, I’d like the opportunity to continue educating children in an urban setting, which also happens to be my hometown. My main reason to become a teacher was to educate, help, and motivate children who grew up in an environment like myself. providing high – quality, public education to the children of the city of Cleveland, encompasses all that I wish to achieve in my career of teaching.
Based on your experience, identify two practices from your classroom that speak most to your beliefs about education.
Based on my experience in teaching, the two most important practices from my classroom that speak most to my beliefs about education are being compassionate and having excellent communication skills. An outstanding teacher does not limit their duties to just teaching, but is involved with their students as a whole, cognitively and emotionally. They are also able to communicate with others to ensure each student reaches their full potential.
Teachers should be loving, caring and compassionate towards their students. Teachers must have excellent rapport with their students and need to make it known to their students that they are easily able to talk to whenever they have a situation they need help with (inside or outside of the classroom). To achieve this, teachers must create a positive learning environment where all children can develop a sense of self – worth, high self- esteem, self – control and respect for others. An outstanding teacher uses excellent classroom management techniques to produce this safe, positive learning environment.
Being able to communicate effectively is another practice necessary to be an efficient teacher. An outstanding teacher believes in working as a team. They communicate effectively with colleagues, and families to build a caring classroom and school community. An outstanding teacher must also communicate with their students to adjust to their ever changing academic and social needs.
Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be an outstanding teacher.
I believe there are many skills or attributes necessary to be an outstanding teacher. Some of the most important qualities a teacher should possess are compassion, dedication, classroom management, and excellent communication skills. An outstanding teacher does not limit their duties to just teaching, but is involved with their students as a whole, cognitively and emotionally.
Teachers should be loving, caring and compassionate towards their students. Teachers must have excellent rapport with their students and need to make it known to their students that they are easily able to talk to whenever they have a situation they need help with (inside or outside of the classroom). To achieve this, teachers must create a positive learning environment where all children can develop a sense of self – worth, high self- esteem, self – control and respect for others. An outstanding teacher uses excellent classroom management techniques to produce this safe, positive learning environment.
Being able to communicate effectively is another skill necessary to be an outstanding teacher. An outstanding teacher believes in working as a team. They communicate effectively with colleagues, and families to build a caring classroom and school community. An outstanding teacher must also communicate with their students to adjust to their ever changing academic and social needs.
How would you address a wide range of skills and abilities in your classroom?
All children are different in the way they develop and learn. Because of children’s different learning abilities, I believe in differentiated teaching, included but not limited to direct – instruction, hands-on activities (manipulatives), using different forms of technology, small groups, and cooperative learning groups. No matter how the material is taught, it should be connected to real – life, and should be fun and exciting in the way it is presented. Also, when teaching, the teacher should set high expectations for their students. Higher level thinking questions should be used to encourage and extend thinking of the students and to develop thinking skills for lifelong self-directed learning. Lessons and activities should be rigorous and built on the interests of the students. Learning about your students, their backgrounds and interests is essential. Talking daily with students in open discussions is very important. Students need to know that they are also responsible for their learning and what they think or feel is important.
As a teacher, your classroom environment will consist of a diverse student body in which the students come from many different backgrounds. What challenges do you expect to face? What experiences have prepared you for those challenges?
Having attended urban schools from elementary school to high school in the Cleveland Public School System and teaching in Baltimore City Public Schools for 6 years, I’d like the opportunity to continue educating children in an urban setting, which also happens to be my hometown. My main reason to become a teacher was to educate, help, and motivate children who grew up in an environment like me. The challenge I expect to face in such a diverse student body is meeting the needs of all my students. Having taught in classrooms as such my whole career of teaching, I am prepared to face this challenge by continuing to do the things I’ve done in the past to reach all my students such as getting to know their interests, cultural differences, information about their background knowledge and special needs. By actively seeking out and using resources beyond the school and school district from families, community members, the internet, and different organizations will further help me to reach the needs of a diverse group of students.
Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be outstanding when working in student support services.
To be an outstanding student support service provider one must truly care about the students they serve and see each child with the potential to do and to be great. The support staff must try to provide another perspective on the student’s abilities and talents, strengths and areas for growth, that might have otherwise been overlooked. In this way, the support staff has to be an advocate for the student consistently coaching, motivating and inspiring the student and those whom come in contact with this individual.
The student support servicer must also be a great communicator and must work well with others particularly the lead teacher to make sure that the work and skills that are developed outside of the traditional classroom are aligned with the curriculum. If a student is performing well or is struggling then the support staff must communicate this information to the lead teacher and make decisions together when appropriate. The support staff is in an essential member of the school community to help all students thrive and excel.
How would you address a wide range of issues in your small groups?
There are several things that can be done to address a wide range of issues in my groups. The first and most important thing to do would be getting to know my students and their interests to incorporate them into my lessons. Each student would be treated as an individual and would be encouraged to work on their weaknesses and enhance their strengths. Being flexible is also very important. I would use multiple strategies to teach and adjust my teaching style as necessary to meet the needs of my student’s different learning styles. Finally, keeping an open, constant line of communication with students, teachers, parents, and administrators ensures a more successful atmosphere for the student.
Given a diverse population of students, students will come to your classroom with different levels of content knowledge. How will you address students’ individual learning needs? Please provide at least one specific example from your content area.
Given a diverse population of students, with different levels of content knowledge, I will address students’ individual learning needs by getting to know my students as individuals, assessing them in different ways then differentiating instruction accordingly. This past school year, I taught language arts to a diverse group of second graders. In my classroom, every day we had Reader’s Workshop. First I would teach a mini – lesson that focuses on a skill or strategy that the students will focus on when they are to work independently during Reading Workshop. They were be provided with different activities that met and challenge their needs. After the mini – lesson, the students returned to their seats and read independently or with a buddy while I conducted guided reading lessons based on individual assessments given to determine their reading level.
From your point of view, how important is technology in education? What technology – related skills can you contribute to a school district?
Technology is very important in education for several reasons. Has become an integral part of education. Teachers can collaborate and share ideas and resources with one another online. Interactive simulations and illustrations can produce a much greater depth of understanding a concept. Allows students to learn at a pace that suits their individual learning needs by repeating difficult lessons and allowing them to explore concepts on a deeper level. Prepare students for a technological world. Allows students to express themselves in ways other than paper and pencil when creating projects.
I incorporate technology into my lessons on a daily basis. Computer network knowledge applicable to my school system, such as email management, Blackboard, PTG (Power Teacher Gradebook) to input student grades and complete progress reports and report cards, data link to create and score district wide tests. daily use of a projector and document camera, word processing skills, spreadsheet skills to chart data, electronic presentations such as power point, basic website design, class dojo to aide with classroom management which also allows parents to login and view the behaviors (positive and negative) that their children have displayed, world wide web navigation skills, promethean board to enhance lessons.